How can you optimize the data download? Under Settings/Data Download you can tell the SUNNYCLOCK app which data should be downloaded via WI-FI and which via the mobile network. This allows you to customize your data download according to the terms of your contract with the mobile operator.
Faq Category Archives:
How can you backup your data? (This feature is not yet live – we keep you posted) Create your backup on your Google or Apple cloud via Settings/Backup in the menu, so that you can restore your SUNNYCLOCK data at any time in case of loss or defect of your phone. Go to Settings/Backup and …
Assign tasks
Who can assign tasks? Only an admin can assign tasks to other group participants. Otherwise it is only possible to assign a task to yourself.
What can a poll be used for? A SUNNYCLOCK poll can be used not only as a poll but also as a pinboard to exchange and discuss ideas. In the case of a poll, the likes of a pin can be used for decision making.
Connect your calendars
How can you synchronize SUNNYCLOCK with your personal calendars? SUNNYCLOCK offers two different options for linking to your calendars. 1) Display calendar entries within SUNNYCLOCK To ensure you always have an overview of your planning when selecting new event dates or accepting or rejecting invitations, you can display all the calendar accounts in your smartphone …
Event date options
What are the options for setting an event date? You can use various date functions to create events: 1) Creating an event on a fixed date The easiest way to create a date option is to tap a date on the calendar and create a date card using Select Date/Dates. If necessary, adjust the time …
Event settings
Which event settings can be changed? The group administrator can change the image, the name and the date(s) of the event at any time. All participants can also set each event to silent.
Who can create events within a group? Only group admins can create events within a group.However, participants in a group can also use the “+ Event” button in a group. If a participant wants to create a new event with the same group participants, the group is automatically copied and a new event is created. …
Removing a group
How can you remove a group? To remove a group, you have to leave it first. After leaving the group, you can delete the group by clicking the “delete” button within the group menu. This deletion action only takes place on the local device. A group is only completely deleted from SUNNYCLOCK servers when all …
Leaving a group
What happens if you leave a group? If you leave a group, this action is communicated to the remaining group participants in the chat and displayed to you within the group and in the group element. If the last Admin leaves the group, he must appoint a new Admin of the group in order to …